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STEM Scholarship Invests in the Future

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The future is now. There is no better recognition of that than the Mensa Education & Research Foundation’s new STEM Scholarship, which debuts this year. This $2,000 scholarship will be awarded this scholarship season to a worthy recipient studying in an accredited degree program in applied sciences, biological sciences, physical sciences, mathematics or engineering.

For many Mensans, the Mensa Foundation is synonymous with scholarships. The program is the longest-running and best-known among Foundation efforts to support human intelligence. In 2015, with the help of volunteer chairs and judges nationwide and the support of the National Office, the Foundation awarded more than $85,000 in scholarships.

Larger than most Foundation scholarships, the $2,000 STEM scholarship signals trustees’ intention to pursue scholarship increases in recognition of the soaring costs of higher education and materials. Five trustees — Phyllis Miller, Joanne Soper, Lessa Scherrer, Eldon Romney and Guy Conti — provided the funding for the first year of the STEM scholarship. Using online donations, legacy funding and development initiatives, the Foundation plans to build future funding to increase scholarship awards.

Learn more about the scholarship process, and help the next generation of great thinkers and doers by contributing to the Foundation.

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