Ryan Donlan, Mensa Foundation Trustee

Ryan Donlan headshot

Dr. Ryan Donlan serves currently as Professor in the Indiana State University and Bayh College of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership, teaching at the Ph.D., Ed.S., and M.Ed. levels, after having served prior for 20 years in K–12 education, most of that time as a Superintendent, as well as a Principal, Assistant Principal, and Teacher. During his time in public education, Ryan served in both traditional and charter schools and school districts and taught evenings at the college and university level. For the past 17 years or so, Ryan has also provided educational program reviews, has presented frequently at conferences and events, and has facilitated training for educators.

Professional service is also a passion of Ryan’s. Currently, he serves as Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Mensa Research Journal (MRJ), providing editorial guidance and co-authoring a column. He has served prior as a non-profit Board Member and Officer, Acting Associate Dean of the Bayh College of Education, Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning, Chair and Vice Chair of the Indiana State University Institutional Review Board (IRB), and has availed himself continuing opportunities of rewarding university, college, departmental, and field-based service.

Of note is Ryan’s ongoing, decade-long contribution as founding Design Team Member and current Leadership Specialist for the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (IPLI).  Much time is spent by Ryan in publication, as he has written/co-written a number of articles and books for professional educators, including but not limited to Minds Unleashed: How Principals Can Lead the Right Brained Way; The Hero Maker: How Superintendents Can Get Their Boards to Do the Right Thing; The School Board Member’s Guidebook: Becoming a Difference Maker in Your District; All Other Duties as Assigned: The Assistant Principal’s Critical Role in Supporting Schools Inside and Out, and Ensuring Teachers Matter: Where to Focus First So Students Matter Most.

Dr. Ryan Donlan has been happily married to wife Wendy, an early childhood education teacher, for over 20 years, with two adult children in college living their best university lives at Indiana State University—Sean studying math with interests in astronomy and Katelyn studying to be a middle or high school math teacher.