The property and business of the Mensa Foundation is managed by its Board of Trustees, including nonvoting representatives named by the American Mensa Committee and Mensa International Board of Directors chairs. Trustees also supervise the disposition and solicitation of donations to the Foundation.
Each Trustee is elected to a one- to three-year term by a simple majority of the Foundation’s voting members. Most of the Trustees must be members in good standing of American Mensa. The Board of Trustees may designate from among its members an Executive Committee, which consists of the elected officers of the Board of Trustees — the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
In addition to the Board of Trustees, the Mensa Foundation operates with the assistance of a number of member volunteers who chair and serve on program committees, including the Awards for Excellence in Research, the Copper Black Award, and local, regional, and national scholarship programs. The Foundation welcomes interested members of Mensa to participate and assist in these and other areas.