
Experience through the eyes of a child

Young boy on laptop - smiling and happy
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I have been using the Mensa for Kids website in a variety of ways for several years. When I first discovered it, I primarily used it to play the fun, educational games. Over the past two years, my mom has incorporated the “Feature of the Month” page and some of the lesson plans into my homeschool curriculum.

When it comes to the games, I tend to gravitate toward word games. My favorites to play are “Up & Down Words,” “Word Round Up,” “Spell Bound,” and “Play 4.” When I was younger, I enjoyed “Capital Penguin” for learning my state capitals, and I still enjoy “Country Toad” for reviewing world capitals.

The lesson plans have become an interesting addition to our homeschool curriculum. A variety of topics are covered, including Fibonacci, ecosystems, Mendelian genetics, and animal classification. There are lesson plans available for kindergarten through 12th grade. I like that they are designed to be student directed. So far, I have completed lessons on the solar system, Mendelian genetics, and Greek mythology, which was my favorite. It was a great introduction to Greek mythology, and it sparked a real interest in me. I read every mythology book I could find in our library and watched several movies on the subject. I am excited to investigate the Understanding the Influence of the Media and Connecting Africa lessons in the near future.

I recently discovered the “Living Poetically” section of the site. I am not a huge fan of poetry, but I found the challenge to memorize a poem a month intriguing. I think the interpretation notes and memorization techniques will facilitate the learning of the poems and make it more interesting.

I have read many of the books on the Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading lists throughout the years and have enjoyed most of the books. I have set a goal for myself to read every book on the list before graduating high school, and with all the great books on the list, I am sure this is a challenge I will really enjoy.

Bottom line: The Mensa for Kids site is a great resource for gifted kids and their parents and teachers. There is definitely something for every personality; whether your passion is games, science, reading, history, or poetry, you will find it at

Delaney is a 13-year-old from Florida. She is a competitive swimmer, certified scuba diver, zoo volunteer, competitive pianist, and published book reviewer. She is passionate about sharks, and in her free time she writes about sharks and their importance to the marine ecosystem on her blog. She plans on studying marine biology in college.

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