The 16th Colloquium will educate and entertain (and have robots)

  • Apr 8, 2013
  • Greg Timmers, Mensa Foundation Trustee

Intelligence benefiting humanity, a core value of Mensa, is demonstrated by support of initiatives that advance the use of intelligence in solving problems and seizing opportunities. How far should we go—robots as Mensa members? Discussions will be lively (and virtual…and mechanical) in Fort Worth on July 2, 2013, when the Mensa Foundation presents Colloquium 16: Between Science Fiction and Science.

“When you were in school, if you were lucky…you had one special class in which the teacher made everything come alive—a class that everyone wanted to be in, absorbing the knowledge; a place where the atmosphere was electric all the time. That, my fellow Mensans, is what I feel when I attend a Mensa Colloquium. A Colloquium contains the very best of Mensa educational opportunities for us members,” says Mensan Ember Skidmore.

“The first Colloquium I attended was in 2002 on the subject of ‘consciousness,’” says member Erin Koffler. “I loved it! I attended the 2012 Colloquium about video games, which is something I had only a superficial understanding about. One day of top-notch presentations later, I was much more informed on the subject, and I had reconnected with Mensa friends I hadn’t seen in years. Colloquiums are the epitome of what Mensa is about. It tickles my brain in ways that no other Mensa experience does.”

“Colloquiums attract those Mensa members who are looking for a more intensive intellectual event,” says Heather Poirier. “For those members looking for intellectual content that may be lacking, I think they’ll find that Colloquiums fill that gap nicely. Colloquiums are a source of pride for many Mensans because the speakers are well-known in their fields and the content is of high quality.”

“Did I ever think I would be interested in online gaming? Never! Wow, was I surprised! And fascinated! I’m a lot more cognizant of something that seemed frivolous but actually is an important part of our world today. Did I think I would be interested in cosmology? Absolutely! Wow, was I awestruck! I was surrounded by some of the most famous people in the field and watched two of them have a hissy fit with each other in front of everyone,” says Foundation Trustee Phyllis Miller.

Colloquium 16: Between Science Fiction and Science kicks off the day before the Annual Gathering in Fort Worth on July 2. You can learn more or register at